
I’m a software developer working in the industry for 7 years and graduated as a a Bachelor of Information Systems at Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL).

I have hands-on experience working with quite a few programming languages over the years, including:

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  • Java/Kotlin
  • C++ with Qt
  • Python
  • Typescript (mostly because of Parse Server)

During my professional journey, I dedicated a year to working with Natural Language Processing (NLP) at Weni (former Ilhasoft), which influenced my passion for the subject. In fact, this experience motivated me to go deeper into NLP and choose it as the focus of my graduation thesis.

Currently working as an iOS software engineer at Zup Innovation.


Driven by my passion for smartphones, I started my programming journey specifically tailored for these devices. This fascination led me to get into programming for Blackberry 10, Android, and iOS platforms. Throughout my career, I have primarily focused on mobile development for smartphones, allowing me to improve my skills in crafting nice applications.

My curiosity extends beyond mobile development, though. I take pleasure in expanding my knowledge by reading about many programming languages and frameworks, even when I have no intention of using them, as I think it’s important to understand their advantages and drawbacks. This perpetual quest for knowledge fuels my enthusiasm for programming in general.

Where I worked

Feb 2016 - Mar 2019 Ilhasoft iOS & Android Developer.
Mar 2019 - Feb 2020 Ilhasoft Data Scientist.
Mar 2020 - May 2021 Lapaza Empreendimentos iOS and Android Developer.
May 2021 - Present Zup Innovation iOS Developer.